Walked to a coffeehouse last week to meet a friend for a cup of coffee and their breakfast enchiladas. The temperature was somewhere between 25 and 30 degrees (F). I am still surprised how many people in Fort Collins ride bicycles in all sorts of weather. They just gear up for whatever nature brings on. I’m actually envious of their commitment to riding.
Cedric Canard
What surprises me is how quickly your winter comes on in your part of the world. I’ve been following your blog for some years now and every year it seems like I’m looking at these images of leafy trees, sunsets and sunrises, blue skies and fluffy white clouds and then, BAM!, equally beautiful images of leafless trees and snow. It never fails to throw me. In a good way of course. I probably get thrown because over here the landscape looks the same year round
Monte Stevens
BAM, is a good way to say it, Cedric. It’s not all that unusual for nature to surprise us with early and late snowstorms and take down trees laden with leaves. We had that happen early. Some trees an campus were completely uprooted and even had trees fall on cars and houses.
I lived in Hawaii for almost 3 years and saw how the tropics have a different change of seasons. There were two seasons, a rainy season and a rainier season.