We had some gray clouds yesterday afternoon that provided some very nice defused light in my bedroom, great for portraits. Unfortunately I had no beautiful model nearby so I grabbed an “old” standby. Had him stare out the window and took a half dozen shots. I like the lighting but sure can tell he needs a haircut and the beard trimmed. Probably lose half a million of my followers after posting this. Have a super weekend!
Cedric Canard
Andy Warhol’s idea of a good picture was one “that’s in focus and of a famous person”. Well, your photo is in focus and seeing as you have a following out here in Australia, you must be famous, right? Therefore, it is safe to say that Andy Warhol would consider this to be a good picture. And by that infallible logic, seeing as you are now a Warhol-accredited photographer, I predict your followers to go up a half million. Surely.
Monte Stevens
Surely you’re logic is infallible!
Tom Dills
You know, sometimes you just have to work with what you’ve got! And I agree with Cedric, your viewership should go up exponentially due to your higher accreditation.
Monte Stevens
I seem to work a lot with what I got, including the camera!
I hope you are paying that model a good wage. He seems to work a lot for you.
Tom Dills
I’m pretty sure he keeps that model supplied with coffee.
Monte Stevens
Give him a mocha latte and he’s mush in your hands.