Good morning. Hoping all is well with everyone. Have an appointment this morning with a surgeon for cataract surgery I now need. There has always been a fear when I think about the possibility of losing my eyesight. So many core activities in my life are based around my eyes: reading, journaling, photography, blogging, driving and the beauty of this world.
This is an image from a short and quick session I did this past week for a photo Dan needed on the website he is working on. He wanted some casual shots for customers to see.
Tom Dills
You have a knack for bringing out such great expressions in people, Monte. Dan looks like an intelligent and fun guy, and the spark in his blue eyes makes the photo.
My doctor recently told me that I had the beginning of cataracts but not to worry because it would be years before they were an issue. Fortunately that is one area for which they make replacement parts, and you might even be able to improve your vision in the process. Best of luck with that visit!
Monte Stevens
Yes, they diagnosed me with “mature” cataracts. The appointment today is to talk about what I need and will decide on. I know several people, some in my family, that are glad they had it done. We’ll see!
Hey, a few more medical ‘updates’ my friend and you’ll be almost brand new while the rest of us continue getting older and breaking down.
Yes, losing sight would be/is a huge fear for me as well. Best of luck on the upcoming cataract procedure and nice job on this portrait of Dan.
Monte Stevens
I’m figuring I’m going to be good for another 100k miles. I’ll be the perfect man for some lucky woman!
Mate, while they’re in there ask them to install a zoom lens with, say, a 20MP sensor at the back linked to an SD card slot behind your ear. Ok, ok, I know, that’s ridiculous, I mean, how would you zoom the lens, right? Maybe just ask for a prime (remember to take the sensor size into account when you specify the focal length)
All the best Monte.
Monte Stevens
I’m going with the prime, f1.4.
Ruth calkin
Had the cataracts don almost two years ago and see without glasses…..I had a fear of them touching my eyes, but the Docs are so skilled in this area and do so many of these procedures. Trust God and go for it!
Monte Stevens
There will be a time to adjust to not wearing glasses but I did that a few years ago with contacts. Reading glasses will be the thing now.