It’s about time to get back on my bicycle after a long hiatus due to lack of energy, then surgery and recovery and now the weather is getting nice again. I’m now at a local coffee shop while I have some work done on my car. Seems it needs surgery, also. This image is one of the unique bicycle racks around town. Some are truly pieces of art.
It looks like I will have surgery on my left on May 8th then the right eye on June 4th. I had some difficulty with insurance but that is all straightened out. I will be flying to Phoenix on May 10th to celebrate my parents 70th anniversary.
Tom Dills
Best of luck with all of those surgeries, Monte. Car included! We’ll be away with limited connectivity during the May surgery and your travel to AZ but will check in periodically to see how you fare.
Monte Stevens
Thanks, TOm. Hope you two enjoy your times, which seems to be the norm. Looking forward to more images from you. I will try to keep my status updated the best I can.
I will be 2800 miles across the other side of Australia when you get your first surgery done and as I’ll be most likely offline, I will wish you the best of luck now and will be thinking of you on the 9th which will be the 8th where you are
In the meantime, I hope your car doesn’t cost you an arm and a leg (or the equivalent of two eye operations). Shame there isn’t health insurance for cars too. Oh, and congratulations to your parents on a remarkable achievement.
Monte Stevens
Now that’s a long way to travel. The car seems to have made it through okay but it just pass the 95k miles so things are gonna start to need more attention. I had to upgrade my phone a couple days ago as the old one was on it’s last breath. Never knew if it was going to work or not. It was 5 years old so it gave me some goods years. I am looking forward to having my eyes worked on and the possibilities of that work. I am also looking forward to visiting and celebrating with my parents!
Five years for a phone is really good. The best I’ve managed is four. And 95K miles on your car sounds a bit like mine which has just passed the 100K miles. I usually keep my cars for 20 years but this one is only 15 and has some especially annoying traits starting to happen. Not to mention some expensive work on the horizon with the need for new brakes among several other things. Shame us humans don’t come with interchangeable parts though. It would make things a bit easier I reckon
Monte Stevens
When I bought my car I expected to have it last the rest of my life. Not sure anything is built to last anymore. I mentioned one time how impressed I was with my dad’s ability to fix almost anything we had, car, washing machine, toaster, etc. He told me it was because they built things to be repaired where now they build things to have a short life cycle then throw away. I’m finding many things are too expensive to buy and too expensive to maintain or repair. I actually looked into buying a simple flip phone but they”er not cheap either.