“It is not from raw talent, nor is it from privileged lives that art comes, but from a willingness to splash that humanity, however messy and uncertain, onto the canvas, write it into the story, or put it into the photograph.” David DuChemin
A couple days ago I was carrying a mocha latte, much like this one, to my table when I stubbed my foot against the table’s legs and splashed the latte over the table. Made quite a mess but, thankfully, did not get any on the journal, pen or phone. Just a reminder that I’m not as perfect as you may have assumed. Thay have given us the rest of the day off so I decided to post this image.
Tom Dills
The fact that you were able to save the important stuff speaks well of your skills, Monte. We all have the occasional flub…my goal is always to save the camera.
Monte Stevens
It’s a skill, Tom. This was not my first and only spill, splash, oops!
Well, now you’ve gone and done it! You’ve ruined my illusion of your perfection! Now what???
Glad that you didn’t get it on the journal and that you didn’t let go of a few expletives along the way. 
Monte Stevens
Sorry to pop your bubble, Paul! Glad to see your back on the web, even it’s for a short time. Going to comment on your latest post in a couple minutes. And, I’m glad nothing but the table was messed up.