“On the deepest level, problems such as war and starvation are not solved by economics and politics alone. Their source is prejudice and fear in the human heart; and their solution also lies in the human heart.”
Jack Kornfield
My online journal where I share my interests in photography, nature, coffee life, journaling, fountain pens, bicycling, spirituality and asking deep questions.
Beautiful photo and scene for a morning walk, Monte. On the quote, I believe there are additional human conditions of the human heart that often work as inhibitors for solving war and starvation. Greed and envy quickly come to mind, but these as well also have solutions in the human heart. Have a great week!
Monte Stevens
Oh, yes. There are many reasons for wars and starvation. Whatever we list has some root in the human heart but that’s also where the solution begins. You are quite the philosopher, sir.
Tom Dills
Beautiful scene – love those clouds and those rich colors!
Monte Stevens
Thanks, Tom!
I like your morning walks better than my own!
(At least from a scenic perspective)
Monte Stevens
It’s just different. Your images taken along the shores of the lakes take my breath away, and not because of the cold.
If I didn’t know any better, I’d swear you lived in the middle of a beautiful nowhere
Monte Stevens
Now you understand why I drive 5 miles to this sanctuary. I would love to live next door then you’d be inundated with such images.