In a spiritual sense, the objects of our attachments and addictions become idols. We give them our time, energy, and attention whether we want to or not, even—and often especially—when we are struggling to rid ourselves of them. We want to be free, compassionate, and happy, but in the face of our attachments we are clinging, grasping, and fearfully self-absorbed.
Gerald G. May
I have my share of attachments. I can be reading a book or journaling and reach over grabbing my phone. The silly thing is the phone did not alert me to any calls or text messages. That’s because those functions are disabled since I do not want my phone to interrupt me in any way. Yet I separated myself from what I was doing because of my attachment to a thought and attachment to my phone. And, don’t get me started on chocolate. Sigh!
Love the sun shining between the silos, beautiful shot. I’m guilty of being attached to my phone. And I’m old enough to remember that the only phone option when away from home was a pay phone.
Monte Stevens
And, some of them were in these little glass buildings. They also had these rounds dial things with numbers.
I’m noticing more lately my habits of clicking into apps just when I pick up the phone, even though there is no specific reason to do so. And that bothers me a bit, so now I am consciously thinking of ways to circumvent it – and if necessary deleting them altogether.
Monte Stevens
I’ve done that on some apps. It works!