The old part of Omaha has some interesting architecture. I’m always interested in the older building which always seem to last longer than newer construction. These doors are located near Old Market area where you will not have trouble finding a restaurant to satisfy your taste buds.
I plan on visiting the Old Market area next time I’m in Omaha.
I too love old buildings – they not only seem built better but they usually have more character.
Monte Stevens
I think you will enjoy it, especially with your camera in hand.
Monte, It looks like the exterior of this building has been well kept — the bricks on either side of the doors appear freshly cleaned or sandblasted. I wonder why the columns on either side of the doors are different design and material? There are stories everywhere.
Monte Stevens
Yes, they have built one building up against the previous one. I also wonder what the stories are.
ken bello
Looks like someone had a pretty good color sense on this doorway, especially the yellow lettering. It grabs your attention.
Monte Stevens
Yes, those numbers do stand out. This was taken near Tom Mangelsens gallery.
Good one Monte. I love old doors (and buildings) too — there’s just something about ’em…
Monte Stevens
I think a lot of photographers are drawn to them at some time in their photographic journey.