… as yesterdays image. For me when extra stuff is eliminated in the view finders it makes an image simple, pleasing. We do not need to know much about the location or time of day. We just present what we see.
My online journal sharing interests in photography, nature, coffee life, journaling, fountain pens, bicycling, spirituality and asking deep questions.
Lines, angles, light and shadow…the human mind reacts to just the right combination…such as this!
Monte Stevens
Thanks, Earl!
Tom Dills
I second Earl’s comment. Nice use of lines and tones, even if there is just a little shadow!
Monte Stevens
Thanks, Tom!
Mary Ann
Hi monte, just reading the news and checking in. I hope you and all your loved ones are still out of harms way in Colorado. Be safe. Mary Ann
Monte Stevens
Thank you Mary Ann. Thankfully the fire seems to be dying but 247 people have lost their homes. We’ve had cooler evenings and light rain for the past two evenings which is why the fire is subsiding. Nature is putting out the fire in a couple days while man spent $30 million dollars and thousands of man hours during a two week time frame to just contain the fire. It has been nice not smelling the smoke.
Mary Ann
Glad to hear you are okay. I’m sorry to hear about people losing their homes. Stay cool.
Monte Stevens
Well some people may question whether I’m okay or not but I am safe from the fire.