After seeing the photo from yesterdays post, I noticed the reflection on the glass of my iphone. I thought it interesting to see the texture difference between the reflection and the glass table top. I took the image on the left and was very surprised to see the outcome on the LCD. What the lens saw at f 5.6 was so much different from what my eyes saw. I then changed the aperture to f 22 and took a second image (on the right) keeping my focus on the reflection. You can see quite a difference and was a reminder of the difference depth of field can make.
This is why I enjoy shallow DOF images so much – it is so much different than how we see and perceive things.
Monte Stevens
It really surprised me when I saw the image on the LCD. Another things I noticed was the color. I had it on AW so the color was quite different with the apertures. I also like the creativity we have with depth of field and I use it. For some reason I did not expect to see what I did as I focused both images on the reflection in the phones glass.
Cedric Canard
That is cool Monte. These photos could be used in a how-to book about photography in the aperture chapter. The left image is great. Almost surreal.
Monte Stevens
Surreal is a good word. I was stunned when I saw the image on my LCD. I new right away what had happened. My focus was on the reflection in the phone. Yes, it really is a good example of DOF.