“How you see life, depends on your perspective, your angle of view, if something makes no sense, look again with new eyes.”
My online journal sharing interests in photography, nature, coffee life, journaling, fountain pens, bicycling, spirituality and asking deep questions.
I love these kinds of shots, Monte. Nice!
Monte Stevens
I take enough of them so I must also.
Keep on taking them, Monte! I like them too. Funny. I like shots of the prairies, but had enough of living on one … well, it was a prairie with concrete poured all over it. 😀 These seem much nicer to me!
Tom Dills
That’s fantastic light, Monte. And great clouds! I really like how the light shapes that tank in the distance.
Monte Stevens
This is out near the area we drove. I just gravitate to these places and scenes.
Wow, something wicked this way comes! 🙂
Monte Stevens
Actually it was on its way east and north, just missing us. Thanks, Mark.