Tremble Court is a small store in the Old Town Square. Three walkways meet at the store’s front door, one being an alley. As I was walking through Tremble Court towards the square I noticed this woman walking towards the court from the alley. I walked past the three way intersection while composing an image in my head. I then stopped and turned to wait for her to pass through. She is coming from the direction of a homeless shelter and with her heavy bags I assumed her to be homeless. I took two images as she walked by. She was carrying what I assume to be all she had. Her body is stooped over due to a bad back, heavy bags or both. When I see homeless people who only own what’s on their back it causes me to realize all that I have.
Tom Dills
Timing is everything!
Monte Stevens
Pre-visualizing helps.
The use of b&w for this image was a good choice, Monte. I do wish the women didn’t blend in with the back ground as much as she does. From what we’ve seen it’s also amazing how many people, while not homeless, are only one paycheck or stroke of bad luck from being there.
Monte Stevens
That’s a good idea. I may just see what I can do to add a little light on her. And, I feel we all could lose what we have in manner of a day or two. We just don’t know.