… well actually two more dewdrops. I found these two hanging on after a night of rain. Just after I took this image the dewdrop in the background fell to the ground. If you look closely in the front dewdrop you can see yours truly, kneeling on the ground with wet and muddy pants. 🙂 There was no way for me to get a sharper image than this as the wind was making the blade of grass sway constantly.
Nice. A very clean, simple arrangement.
Monte Stevens
Thanks, Paul!
Jim | SpinView
You know what I enjoy about this shot and many of your others, Monte? They make the viewer stop. We’re all so busy, running around. How often do we just stop, take a breath, and look?
You help us do that. Thanks for continuing to share these moments!
Monte Stevens
Thanks, Jim. You are right, we do move through life at a face pace and miss out on some awesome things. There is also a world, right at our feet, many of us walk past daily and have no idea what it’s like. The macro world can open this up to us.