clouds,  landscape,  quotes,  Reservoir Ridge Natural Area

Learning to Become Human

Morning walk at Reservoir Ridge Natural Area

All nature is waiting for us to become conscious because there’s a particular quality of consciousness that only humans can provide. Nature needs that consciousness; cries out for it. And the process of deciphering Nature’s need, then discovering how to respond to it, is what’s called learning to become human.

Peter Kingsley

After quiet time I moved on to my morning mocha made by Hannah at Starry Night. It was an unusual 68 degrees so I began to question why I was sitting inside. Then the busyness and noise of the shop nudged me to drive to Reservoir Ridge Natural Area and get in some journaling and a walk. It was a wise choice! The clouds were amazing. The meadowlarks sang from their hearts and were accompanied by a group of crickets in the tall grass. These are some of my favorite musicians. Not sure how much nature is conscious of my presence but I know I was conscious of my presence within nature. I’m learning to become more human.

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.