Almost a month ago I posted and image of these same trees where the leaves were bright gold and in the early stages of their gravitational fall to create a carpet on the ground. Within nature this process is part of the cycle of life: the leaves fall for decomposition to prepare the soil for next years growth and provide nutrients for small organisms, a world we seldom see. Three weeks later I happen to be driving by these same trees and was surprised at how quickly things changed. Not only are the trees barren of their leaves but the tree owner has raked up the carpet of leaves. I must admit to being a bit sad. In my mind I envisioned the leaves stuffed in large plastic bags hauled off to the local dump. I calmed myself by admitting those leaves may be in some compost pile and will fulfill their cycle of life.
QPB (Mary Ann)
Such are the seasons of life. I am grateful not to go through my seasons (I hope!) quite as rapidly as the tree 🙂 Have a great week, Monte.
Monte Stevens
Yes, lets take the season in God’s time, kyros.
Change, the only constant! 🙂
Monte Stevens
LOL RIght on Earl!
A nice photo, Monte. Many municipalities know the value of leaf mulch or compost and collect it in the fall and offer it back to residents in the spring. Composting leaves is a lot of work but using leaves as mulch in gardens and around trees is fairly easy and it eventually turns into compost anyway. Your post brings up an important subject for homeowners who are not sure of the options available for the “leaf problem”.
Monte Stevens
Thanks, Ken
A bit melancholy in spite of the sunny day…
Let’s hope you’re right about the compost thing.
Monte Stevens
Thanks, Paul