flowers,  nature,  Plants,  quotes


Solitude… is what sustains me and protects me from my mind. It renders me fully present. I am desert. I am mountains. I am Great Salt Lake. There are other languages being spoken by wind, water, and wings. There are other lives to consider: avocets, stilts, and stones. Peace is the perspective found in patterns. When I see ring-billed gulls picking on the flesh of decaying carp, I am less afraid of death. We are no more and no less than the life that surrounds us. My fears surface in my isolation. My serenity surfaces in my solitude.

Terry Tempest Williams

The Oxford Dictionary defines solitude as: the state or situation of being alone. I relate to her quote because there are times when enjoying my coffee life, surrounded by people in conversations, baristas foaming milk, and piped music, I can feel isolated. A major contrast to the city’s natural areas which provides a place for me to be in solitude. Yet, I am never really alone as I am surrounded by plants, birds, animals, clouds, and people, who add their presence and sounds to my solitude. So, while I’m in solitude with nature, I too find serenity. Happy Friday!

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • geri oster

    Dearest Monte, I have been away from the computer for a time, and, seeking serenity, I have sat down with your blog this morning. Catching up on your past posts has once again brought the serenity of the solitude I so seek every day. All of these beautiful images speak to me, yet this one the more so. It reminds me to take the time each morning, as I usually do, to turn to, to face the Light of The Creator and allow it to fill me as I venture into my day. Thank you for this remarkably poignant image. Blessings, g.

    • Monte Stevens

      I’m glad you stopped by and left a comment. It is always good to know where you are and how lifey life can be at times, which makes serenity seem distant. I loved the words you used, “…to face the Light of The Creator.” Those ring true with me and has been my practice for s few years now. It seems to make the venture into the day more enjoyable and serene. Love you, my friend!