bicycling,  Pedaling on,  Plants

Now Popping Open

Common Milkweed

I noticed on my bicycle ride yesterday evening how many milkweed pods are now popping open. It is that time of the year. There are about 110 species that occur in the Americas. These plants can grow to about 5 feet tall, usually occurring in clusters and forming colonies. They are perennial plants, which means an individual plant lives for more than one year, growing each spring from rootstock and seeds rather than seeds alone. Over 450 insects are known to feed on some portion of the plant. Milkweeds are the required host plants for caterpillars of the monarch butterfly and thus play a critical role in the monarch’s life cycle. Their beauty is on display all along Spring Creek Trail and the Natural Areas.

This past Thursday I went over 400 miles on the bicycle’s odometer. Which means in 49 days I have averaged a little over 8 miles a day. This includes 5 days of not riding due to rain, my dental surgery and a couple days of logging over 20 miles. I’m finding the 35 mile range on the battery to be accurate. If I ride 8-10 miles a day I need to recharge about every three days. It takes about 2.5 hours to recharge my battery when it’s at 50% or 4-5 hours to fully charge. When using the assist levels I ride almost exclusively in the lowest assist level (it has three levels). I have only used the highest assist level once to make sure it worked. I only use assist level two on one hill that kicks my butt. 😂 There are places where the trails and bicycle paths are flat enough I ride with the assist off. Riding has increased my heart rate and my active zone minutes on my Fitbit. Pedaling on…

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku/poetry. Have a love for fountain pens.


    • Monte Stevens

      Wonderful to hear from you, Faye, and so glad you stopped by. I must admit I’m enjoying the bicycle. I purchased and installed a mirror for the left handle bars this morning so I can be aware of all those who think they’re racing in the Tour de France and don’t let me know they are there.

  • geri oster

    Monte, this lovely milkweed brings back to me a most wonderful memory. I attended a one room school through fourth grade. It was the most positive experience of my life. One of my great joys was when, for science class, the whole bunch of us would go on a walk-about around the square mile where the old church building (our school) sat. There was this incredible milkweed colony in the ditch not far from the school. Thank you! Good on you for your new adventures with your bike. You have me really thinking that I may need to make a trip downtown to the bike shop! Blessings, g.

    • Monte Stevens

      Thank you, Geri, for stopping by and sharing your memories of the past with us. This is a beautiful statement, “It was the most positive experience of my life.” I love those voyages into the past when some word, image or dream sends me there. I had a dream the other night that took me back almost 40 years to a place where I needed to deal with forgiveness. Again, thank you for sharing your memories! ❤️

  • Earl

    Congratulations on getting so much use from your e-bike, Monte. It’s wonderful exercise! I’ve been dealing with a little back problem and some eye issues, not related to each other, of course. If I were a car, I’d say my warranty must have run out, and things are starting to go wrong. 😉

    I can’t complain much as I’ve been highly healthy overall.

    We got a good bit of rain but didn’t suffer any damage from Helene. However, the western mountains of NC are pretty much totaled, as you’ve probably seen via media sources. Via air is the only way to get to many locations, with hundreds unaccounted for and many trapped without electricity and readily available food and water sources. Unbelievable!

    Take care, and keep riding!

    • Monte Stevens

      Thanks Earl! I sure am enjoying it, much more than I expected. It’s not just the exercise that has me pedaling, but it’s also the bicycling lifestyle. I actually get to the coffee shop quicker, and don’t have to worry about parking. I will write more about this later.

      I’m not sure when the warranty on my body expired, but it had to be 10 years ago. And I am even experiencing issues with the repairs they have done. Yes, we are at that age where we have to let go of certain physical things we could do in the past. And in some cases, the physical things are just being taken away.

      Yes, I have been following some of the destruction Helene has caused. It is unbelievable! In many places, nothing will ever be the same. Glad you are safe!

  • Mark

    Very cool to read about your e-bike adventures.

    Our milkweed pods are still quite closed, maybe because it’s been fairly warm here (?) – though we’ve had hordes of colorful milkweed beetles on them. They are quite fascinating to watch also – nature’s milkweed control to make sure they don’t get too “weedy.” 🙂

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