coffee life,  coffee shops,  quotes

Presence is wisdom!

Journaling with a chai latte, while watching it snow outside

Wisdom is precisely a different way of seeing and knowing the ten thousand things in a new way. I suggest that wisdom is precisely the freedom to be truly present to what is right in front of you. Presence is wisdom! Those who can be present will know what they need to know, and in a wisdom way.

Richard Rohr

It began snowing in earnest about 9:30 am, offering us big, beautiful moisture filled snowflakes. I met Jeff earlier for tea and conversation, then stopped by the Arboretum Coffee shop to journal for a while. The small chai latte was a perfect pairing with my journaling. This coffee shop is a nonprofit that is striving to “create a community where refugees and immigrants can rebuild their lives with dignity, gain essential skills, and form meaningful connections.” I come here because I want to support that ideal. So far my interaction with all these baristas has not given me a feeling of working with a criminal, the drug cartel or that I’m  in any danger. The only problem I’ve had is our language differences but that is improving! What’s cool about that is we don’t throw up our hands but keep at it until I get skim milk rather than whole. I’m finding my name is strange to them and love how they sometimes say it. If I remain open and willing to encounter wisdom, then these baristas have much to teach me, to enhance my life, and a chance to be present to each other. Seems there is more danger around the white privileged who think they think they know. I much prefer Rohr’s notion that wisdom is precisely a different way of seeing and knowing the ten thousand things in a new way. I want to be a seeker of wisdom.

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku/poetry. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • geri oster

    I have long sought wisdom, Monte, perhaps because I have always felt that others “just knew” all that was so elusive to me. I love the thought that simple presence may be a step in the right direction of being able to walk in the peace of a certain wisdom. And thank you for the link to the Arboretum. What a fabulous place to experience the greater of what is often my very sheltered life.

    • Monte Stevens

      I’m learning wisdom is not an object to obtain but more of a verb, a way of seeing and living life. And there’s a sense it’s a feminine verb and it is a way! Thank you for visiting and leaving your thoughts and experience with us. And stay warm!

  • Earl

    I think wisdom emerges from awareness of current factors, beliefs, and experiences, guiding us in navigating complex situations. I agree, Monte. It’s a verb that is not fixed but dynamic.

    We are still waiting for something that looks like November here. We recently set a new high-temperature record for the date at 82°F. Have a great weekend.

    • Monte Stevens

      I like how you say it “emerges from awareness!” I hope I am learning how to be more aware and less time in my head. If it’s just now feeling like November then you and Bonnie have had long enjoyable fall with your trip to the northeast. It’s cold here.