bicycling,  Poudre River,  quotes

I want to love this world…

I have a love for nature and all the gifts she offers. I have a love for my prayer and meditation and the gifts they offer. I have a love for all the relationships I have and the gifts they offer. I have a love for photography and all the gifts it offers. I have a love for bicycling and all the gifts it offers. I have a love for life and the gift it offers in these later years of my life. Each day is precious! I like how Mary Oliver says it: “I want to love this world as though it’s the last chance I’m ever going to get to be alive and know it.”

Canada Geese enjoying sunshine on the Poudre River yesterday afternoon.

We are enjoying temperatures above 60°. So, Thursday I rode 13 miles along the Spring Creek Trail and Friday I rode 24 miles along Spring Creek Trail and the Poudre Trail. This is a scene along the Poudre Trail.

One option I did not want on my ebike was suspension. It adds weight to the bike, adds more potential maintenance problems, makes pedaling more difficult and is really designed for mountain bikes. I’ve been happy with that decision except on two occasions, both were on 20-plus mile rides. My tushy was a bit sore at the end of rides. Near the end of the ride I felt every bump on the trail and this makes the ride home seem longer. I need to split those 20+ mile rides into sections to give my body a break or just keep the rides to 15 miles or less. Probably go with the latter option. Both Saturday and Sunday look to be good days for riding so I’ll probably get in more riding. I am headed to Windsor and have coffee with my friend Eric. Enjoy your weekend!!

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku/poetry. Have a love for fountain pens.