landscape,  natural areas,  quotes,  sunsets

“to listen”

And there is a fine distinction between “listen to” and “to listen.” When we “listen to” we are actively engaging our senses of sound for a particular audible cue. But, when we choose “to listen,” we are opening ourselves up to the sounds of silence and solitude; to ways and words unanticipated, unscripted and often—unfamiliar. We do not choose these words; they choose us.

Albert Lewis

I walked along the edges of one of the ponds at Arapaho Bend Natural Area yesterday evening. This pond is called Big Bass Pond, so I assume at least one large bass was caught there. The water is low until we see snow melt and rains in a the coming weeks. When I found a spot that spoke to me I set up my tripod and camera, grabbed my journal and pen and sat down on the uncomfortable rocky shore to soak it up. I would take a half dozen images then write, repeating for 40 minutes until my butt said that’s enough and I became chilled. I slowly found myself in a place “to listen” to the sound of the water lapping at me feet and feeling the cooling breeze in my face. The words were just what I needed. I hope on my next visit I will be again in a place “to listen”

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku/poetry. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Earl

    I recently read a captivating detective novel that highlighted a successful interrogation technique: remaining totally silent at certain moments. This silence often prompts the subject to fill the void with fascinating little details. It struck me that this might be a universal principle. If we embrace silence and create the space, the universe will reveal its mysteries to us. We just need to be ready to listen. It sounds like you were ready!

    • Monte Stevens

      What an interesting interrogation technique. There is also an interesting body language that speaks when someone is hiding something. One of the key words in that quote, to me is the word choose. We “choose to listen.” I would like to do that more often and being aware of that is the first step.

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