Blank Pages
Blank pages and empty flash cards seem to be way too common in my life these days. Yes, I can blame it on the move and adjustments being made in my life but I think there is more to it than that. Ideas come to mind for both images and writing but they do not seem to take on a life but stay in a state of limbo. Journaling has always been a way for me to find my way to the next stage of life. So, blank pages are being filled and the camera is taking more walks.
You know my friend the “Everready Bunny” isn’t real. Perhaps those images and writings are simply not ready yet for life and when they are, it’ll happen.
Monte Stevens
Wise words, Earl!!!!
Good… Glad to hear it.
Monte Stevens
Thanks, Paul!
Yep. They will bubble up on their own and leap to the pages when they are ready to be born. In the mean time, just keep feeding them through experiencing life.
Monte Stevens
More wise words for me to hear. Thanks, Paul!
Anita Jesse
Ah, one of those recharging periods. It will be interesting to look back and see what was coming together in your consciousness. Settle back, enjoy the quiet on the surfacem and keep that camera exercised.
Monte Stevens
Thanks, Anita, and I will!
Alan M. Collopy
Well said. I’ve tried to journal in the past, but I chalk it up to my consistant impatients. I need to learn to “slow down”.
You stated your words well, and it made me ponder and think.
Monte Stevens
Glad you connected with my wandering thoughts. It sometimes seems I have nothing to say and at other times I too much to say. The interesting thing about that is it all can and will touch another. This is so true of our images.
Sharon Van Lieu
I like this shot, Monte. There does have to be an ebb and flow with creativity, I think.