I saw her sitting behind the bar all by herself and seemingly bored. I stopped, asked if I could take her photo and got her to smile. I’m off again today for another 4-day trip. Seems like I’m always gone since I moved out here to Colorado. When i finished my last 4-day trip I headed to Arizona and spent two days with my mother. She is doing good but still does not have all her strength back, hopefully that will come quickly. Hope everyone has a good week.
Monte, are you still doing about the same number of work days and it just seems like you’re gone more or are you really putting in more time?
Monte Stevens
Yes, I seem to be gone more. With February being a shorter month, more days needed to be worked for me to get my normal hours of flying. I also made the trip to visit my mother so I’ve not had many days to spend in Colorado. This will settle out over the next 10 days and I will catch back up. Also, the flying for Frontier is different. We fly longer routes, provide two beverage services on most flights and have shorter turn-around times. This means an 8 hour flight day equates to a 10-11 hour duty day. It was not unusual for an 8 hour duty day on the US Airways flying to be 13 hours. We therefore have fewer breaks but shorter duty times. I like that.
Either way, sounds like a long day! I don’t know how you do it, my friend. I just don’t know how. 🙂 Nice shot of the bartender.
Monte Stevens
The body does take a toll, compression and decompression, standing most of the day and always walking on a surface that is constantly moving/shifting.