In humility, with wisdom and compassion, we make a more spacious world, where the experience of our communion and connection has fewer barriers and becomes more possible.
Kathleen Dowling-Singh
My online journal where I share my interests in photography, nature, coffee life, journaling, fountain pens, bicycling, spirituality and asking deep questions.
I really like this photo, Monte. The gap in the fence provides a perfect frame for the soft morning sun. Well done!
Monte Stevens
Thanks my friend! This image seems to grow as time going on. Even thought about making it black and white. It’s about 45 degrees this morning, but the wind is blowing over 20 miles per hour. A bad hair kind of day!
Tom Dills
Beautiful! Fog, frost and a near-far composition make a perfect combination, even without the rising sun! A lot to like in that photo.
Monte Stevens
Thanks, Tom! Did I mention it was cold?
geri oster
Fabulous photo, Monte. Ditto the above comments! Thank you!
Monte Stevens
And thank you, Geri!! Hope all is well with you!