I find myself referring to this site as a blog rather more often than a website, whether in conversations or writing. I began to wonder what the difference was. Seems the only real difference between a blog and a website is that blogs are updated on a regular basis with new content, which is displayed in reverse chronological order. While typical websites are static in nature where content is organized in pages, and they are not updated frequently. I place myself in the blog category. Some people have blogs that are just a part of a larger website. Some photographers I know have blogs within their website. And some have a separate website and a separate blog.
A bit of research on Dr. Google shows that blogs evolved primarily from personal online diaries and journals in the mid-90s. Then someone built a couple of blogging platforms, Blogger.com and later WordPress.com. Now there are a multitude of platforms that can be used to create both a website and a blog.
I knew almost nothing about a blog until a friend suggested I start one when I began working as a flight attendant. I laughed him off. Then something happened in October 2008 and now look at me some 15 years later! I can easily spend an hour or two a day writing and reading blogs. Much more over the past few weeks while “remodeling” this site. Anyway, I am quite comfortable referring to this website as a blog.
Got my COVID vaccination yesterday and feel achy and tired this morning. No morning sunrise or visit to a coffee shop. Slept in late. Today will be a rest and recovery day.
I consider a blog something to be read while a website, at least a photographer’s website, is something to be viewed. However, I find that most of my traffic is to my blog and I’m sure I’m guilty of reading blogs rather than viewing the attached website.
Last week I got my COVID, Shingles, and Flu vaccines. I was more sore than sick and seem to feel fine now.
Monte Stevens
I have galleries of images but like you most of my traffic is about my blog, which is really what I want.
I opted for the covid only shots. I haven’t had a flu vaccine in years. At the present time I don’t have much energy or desire to do much. It doesn’t help that it’s overcast and cool. Had some rain earlier this morning. Thanks for stopping by my friend!
Faye White
I can’t remember what prompted my blog, back in 2006? I know I need to get my covid vacc. I think I’ll forego the flu shot; not sure why except I’ve only had the flu after getting a flu shot. Thanks for researching blog v website, interesting!
Monte Stevens
I had a good nights sleep and feel so much better this morning! No flu shot for me as the last time I had the shot I was very sick.
A blog is also a website in strictly technical terms, and while what you call it is inconsequential, the term used would probably have more to do with the site’s focus. Is it focused on photos with only needed supporting text (Photography Website), or are the words and thoughts the star of the show (Blog) with supporting or enhancing photos? Truth be known, many are hybrids of the two.
Perhaps, like people, it’s best not to try and label them but to accept them as they are.
Monte Stevens
Again, I like how you expressed this. We just need to accept them, blogs and people, as they are.
Congrats on sticking with it for so long. Every once in a while I’ll go back through comments over the years to see what others that have commented are up to. Many sites have gone away, sadly some people also. Those that keep these things going, whatever they are, are a rare breed.
Monte Stevens
I’ve noticed some have gone away, also. Glad to see you still posting your imagery, your thoughts and your comments others blogs. Both teach me!