It’s easy for me to catch the bus from my condo, just a 3 minute walk. The bus system provides access to most of town but it may require transferring buses. This image was made while waiting for the first bus of the day.

A bus ride can be quiet time as most people take care to not interact with others. For some it’s too early in the morning. I like to break the silence as I’m a morning person. And, I may have to shout because they are plugged in to some device and nother really present.

In the above image, two are on their phones and the one girl on the left is studying with flash cards in her hand.

Once I arrive at the CSU Transit Center I walk about 1/4 mile to catch the MAX bus. This is next to a coffeehouse called the Alley Cat, which is open 24 hours. Really not my ambiance so I seldom go there. The sunrise on this particular morning was just cresting the roof top so a small aperture gave me a nice starburst.

On my way home I came across this young man basking in the sun on campus and talking and laughing on his phone. All images were taken on the same bus ride. Opportunities are everywhere.
Steve Skinner
What a great idea! I have often considered riding our local bus down to Canon Beach but was afraid I wouldn’t make all the connections and end up lost!
Monte Stevens
Taking the bus is not for everyone but I sorta like it. We can meet some interesting people and mass transit is so much greener. It is a hassle in a small community but not the case in places like DC or New York. Give it a try when you have the time.
Tom Dills
I especially like the sun glowing on the road in the sunrise photo, and the Alley Cat shot was a nice catch. Interesting art on the building that contrasts with the dumpsters.
Monte Stevens
It was my pick of the morning. I’m now on my way to a Fujifilm photo walk in Old Town. Reps are going to have gear for people to try out. I’ll get to meet a free other X series photographers, also.
Cedric Canard
You certainly make the most of a plain old bus ride Monte. I’ve got to say though, you make beautiful black and white images. Of course your compositions and choice of subject matter can never be faulted and when combined with such gorgeous tonal clarity, well, I can’t help but be a huge fan.
Monte Stevens
Thanks, Cedric. I’m shooting more of the black and white with the camera’s film simulation. I think it does a good job for my taste. The camera can bracket 3 selected film simulations, which I’m using more of. If I shoot it in color then I convert to black and white with Silver Efex Pro. I’m liking black and white more. Again, thanks!