A few patches of snow remain on any shaded area where the sun cannot reach. Students are walking on campus and riding the bus with t-shirts and shorts. The blue sky seems bluer. There is only a small patch of ice remaining on the pond. The days are getting longer. This warmer weather this past week is causing a bit of excitement within me. There is a feeling of Spring.
“When spring came, even the false spring, there were no problems except where to be happiest. The only thing that could spoil a day was people and if you could keep from making engagements, each day had no limits. People were always the limiters of happiness except for the very few that were as good as spring itself.” ― Ernest Hemingway
Tom Dills
Bring it on!
Monte Stevens
Yep, I’m ready!
I’ve certainly been getting a bit of “spring fever.” I think we timed it pretty well to start moving west next week. We’re doing some planning for the summer months of our adventures and it roughtly looks like we may be in the general Fort Collins area somewhere around the end of August, first part of September. I let you know later of the exact dates. Bonnie and I would love to see you if you’re around.
Monte Stevens
I would love to spend some time with you guys also. Want to meet Maggie also. I will be in Phoenix are for about a month from the 15 of September to 15th of October on a house sitting assignment for the sister and brother-in-law. So, I hope we can work it out. And, as for spring fever, well as Tom says, bring it on.
Steve Skinner
Students walking outside in tee shirts and shorts is seldom are reliable indicator of spring for me. I have seen kids out in the snow wearing flip flops!
Monte Stevens
LOL I have also seen those kids wearing flipflops out here in winter. I was raised differently and have a different metabolize.
Cedric Canard
I always enjoy the coming of spring, even if our winters are nothing to complain about. For me it’s the extra hours of sunlight but I’m sure for you it would be more than that. In any case I hope this not a false spring for you so that you can start enjoying the warmer temperatures.
Monte Stevens
Yes, those extra hours of sunlight are awesome. The only drawback I have to the longer hours are the earlier risings for sunrise photos.
But then I’m not heading out in freezing cold and snow.