The other morning I did not read or journal as I normally do when I arrived at the natural area. Instead I sat on the bench with my chai and camera, just watching and listening. In the predawn darkness I could hear an owl hoot but never saw them. I felt the colors slowly change from the cool predawn blue to the warm golden sunrise. The absence of any wind to move leaves, the thistle or the grass presented a calm. All was still. There was a embracing quiet around me and within me. Every so often I would listen to my muse and lift the camera, compose and press the shutter button. Another good start to the day.
I enjoy experiencing sunrises, in case you haven’t noticed. I photograph a lot of them, in case you haven’t noticed. After I saw this image on my computer I asked myself the question, “What can I do to be a part of creating sunrise images that have my signature to them, that are not just repeats of yesterday or someone else or do I already have my own signature?” I want to experiment in more creative ways with images that really say something to me and about me. Which means you’ll probably see more sunrise images.
The moment you raise the camera and press the shutter, you imprint your signature on the image. No two sunrises (or sunsets) are alike. If I had been sitting next to you, my image would differ from yours. If ten photographers captured the very same sunrise, there would be ten versions. I take great comfort in that.
Tom Dills
Monte’s photos make me want to be sitting next to him, just to see what he sees and to make my own image. And enjoy a latte!
Mornings are so lovely but I have a hard time dragging myself out to see them. Sunrise tends to be much more civilized in the fall, and I have good intentions….
Monte Stevens
Yes, on the latte with you and Faye on a bench! This morning the 54 degrees and humidity, watching golden leaves fall sure does bring on the feeling of fall. I’m ready!
Monte Stevens
I also take comfort in that. You have caused to to rethink my words, thank you for that. It may be more of the voice inside whispering to explore and experiment with more photography more, to see more than what I presently see. Your vision is different than mine and one of the reasons I enjoy seeing your images, your vision.
I am pretty sure that is a common question, especially for those that enjoy sunrises.
Answers are more difficult. Beautiful image.
Monte Stevens
So, I assume you ask the same question and still looking for the answer.