My online journal where I share my interests in photography, nature, coffee life, journaling, fountain pens, bicycling, spirituality and asking deep questions.
I finally pulled the trigger and bought a fountain pen I’ve wanted for a couple of years. It’s a Pilot Custom Heritage 92 in transparent blue and a medium nib. I know people do rave about it’s performance. My sister actually owns two of them. The 14kt gold nib is quite smooth and it is the only Pilot piston-filled fountain pen. Since journaling is a daily practice for me, I justify the purchase. In the final analysis I bought it because i wanted it. I received it yesterday and will give you more feedback on how I like it.
I have a few fountain pens (that still work) and don’t use them nearly enough. I’ve changed over from journaling to blogging as my typing is better than my handwriting
Mine are cartridge inks I’ve never used a piston filler.
I have continued to enjoy my cursive journaling. I get a log of comments from people who no longer write cursive. I do not write as fast as I type but that is one of the reasons I use pen and paper. I can take the pen and paper anywhere. It is much lighter to tote around. I look to my journaling as a form of art and creativity.
Hummm…could there be some genetics at play here in this love for writing with wonderfully beautiful and neat pens? While I find them fascinating the few I’ve tried (years ago) never seemed practical but perhaps I didn’t know enough about the subject to select a good pen. As I wrote this comment the word, “practical” suddenly seemed ‘crude’ in describing what I’m sure for you is an expression of art and exploration…journaling. Have a great weekend, Monte!
Yes, a fountain pen is more than practical for me. In many ways they become friends who journey with me through this life. W E share in painful days and joyful days. Words appear on the pages of my journals giving direction, healing, inspiration, clarity and a personal dialogue. And, hoping you have a great weekend.
That’s fantastic, Monte. Congratulations on the purchase! Next, I suspect, you’ll get fountain pen, an inkwell, and find some lady’s ponytail to dip into it! Well, maybe not quite that far, but I could see the pen and the inkwell!
Joseph Smith
I have a few fountain pens (that still work) and don’t use them nearly enough. I’ve changed over from journaling to blogging as my typing is better than my handwriting
Mine are cartridge inks I’ve never used a piston filler.
Monte Stevens
I have continued to enjoy my cursive journaling. I get a log of comments from people who no longer write cursive. I do not write as fast as I type but that is one of the reasons I use pen and paper. I can take the pen and paper anywhere. It is much lighter to tote around. I look to my journaling as a form of art and creativity.
“I bought it because i wanted it. ”
As good a reason as any I can think of. Enjoy!
Monte Stevens
I do know the difference between want and need.:-)
Here! Here! No justification needed at all!
Monte Stevens
“My sister actually owns two of them…”
Hummm…could there be some genetics at play here in this love for writing with wonderfully beautiful and neat pens? While I find them fascinating the few I’ve tried (years ago) never seemed practical but perhaps I didn’t know enough about the subject to select a good pen. As I wrote this comment the word, “practical” suddenly seemed ‘crude’ in describing what I’m sure for you is an expression of art and exploration…journaling. Have a great weekend, Monte!
Monte Stevens
Yes, a fountain pen is more than practical for me. In many ways they become friends who journey with me through this life. W E share in painful days and joyful days. Words appear on the pages of my journals giving direction, healing, inspiration, clarity and a personal dialogue. And, hoping you have a great weekend.
That’s fantastic, Monte. Congratulations on the purchase! Next, I suspect, you’ll get fountain pen, an inkwell, and find some lady’s ponytail to dip into it!
Well, maybe not quite that far, but I could see the pen and the inkwell!