Love is not something we give or get; it is something that we nurture and grow, a connection that can only be cultivated between two people when it exists within each one of them – we can only love others as much as we love ourselves.
Brené Brown
This past weekend we had two days of 60 degrees and sunshine while this morning we have 24 degrees and two inches of snow. It’s still falling. However, it is a wet spring snow so plenty of much needed moisture with it.
I had coffee and conversation with David this morning at one of our favorite coffee shops. Of course with the snow and cold the scones were mandatory. David is from Copenhagen which is a bicycle friendly city and where cars have a much smaller footprint on people’s lifestyles. So as usual, David rode his bicycle to the shop.
Considering the snow, David must have a pretty steady balance and nerves, but good for him. That scone looks good. I hope you’re having a good week, Monte.
Tom Dills
I used to love riding my mountain bike in the snow, of course that was many years ago! Great to see how coming from a place like Copenhagen translates to Fort Collins.
On the other hand, we’re enjoying our first “porch day”of the year, with 80 degrees and sunshine. But instead of snow we have pollen!
Monte Stevens
He says it is not safe in Fort Collins. He just had a scare the other day while pulling his son in a trailer. We are too car-centric for it to be safe for bicycles. I noticed the enjoyable temperatures in your area. Yet, along with pollen comes new generations and growth and along with snow comes new generations and growth.
Tom Dills
And that’s why I stopped cycling when I moved to Charlotte. In rural Ohio I could ride for hours and only come across the occasional car. In Charlotte, the roads are too narrow and the drivers too impatient. We have greenways, but they aren’t long enough to get anywhere. There are some brave souls here, but I’m not one of them!
Yes, pollen is a necessary part of the cycle of nature, and while it makes us sneeze it also makes things beautiful!
Faye White
The coffee shop looks like the perfect cozy spot on a snowy day. Yes, we’re having warm weather. I’m nearly ready to get some flowers for my porch.
Monte Stevens
We are expecting to have nice weather over the weekend. Bring it I say!
Riding a bike in such snowy conditions, especially if you have a warm car alternative, is admirable.
Monte Stevens
… or insane!
That too – but I admire the insanity of the commitment.