Billy Collins writes in his poem, Under the Stars, that “pissing is a form of meditation…(it’s) what we were designed to do.” I’m not sure how many people would associate pissing as a form of meditation, but it does does make you think…
In the summer of 2016, something I was designed to do, and what the British refer to as the waterworks, stopped. After a trip to the ER, a visit to the Urologist who did surgery (bit of plumbing work), the waterworks are working again. I now have a greater appreciation of how wonderfully our bodies are made, plus a lot of gratitude when they function properly and of course plumbers. This past week as I stood on the side of County Road 90 I needed to practice this form of meditation he mentions in the poem. I must confess it felt good to stand there watching those clouds and meditating. And, with a stretch of the imagination you might even say I was having a spiritual experience!
Tom Dills
That’s quite the visual there, Monte. Hope you had your lens cap on! Also good to know that all systems are functioning properly.
I remember years ago when I was working in banking, one day several of us were “meditating” and an old timer standing next to me said that this was “the only place in the whole building where everyone knew what they were doing.” I still laugh when I think of how true that was!
Monte Stevens
He is right. LOL The camera was on a tripod and facing west. I’m glad things are functioning, also.
Faye White
Oh dear, I’m not sure what to say. The body is such a miracle, we wonder how it keeps doing all the right things at the right time. And when any of those systems stops working… boy howdy, do we pay the price.
Monte Stevens
Oh dear, is all you needed to say.
Yes, the systems do begin to fail or stop. None of us gets by without facing the aging of our bodies. However, we are able to still be creative, pass on some of our knowledge and experiences and tell some wonderful stories. And, even be creative with those!! Hope you are staying dry!!