Yesterday afternoon brought rain showers, cooler temperatures, and a refreshing scent that rain brings. And this morning we have a steady drizzle falling and high humidity which makes it cool. Expecting more of this over the next 7 days. This will help extinguish any remaining fires and prevent others. Could be a day of warm soup, journaling, blogging, reading and laundry (already started). After coffee and a scone, which I didn’t need, I drove up to Pineridge for a look-see and an image. Weather app suggests this could be the norm for the next 7 days. Sure will help with our drought. Enjoy this day!
Your weather sounds like a firefighter’s prayer come true to me. I greatly respect those guys and gals who risk their lives trying to control such a terrifying force of nature. I don’t know how they do what they do daily in such harsh conditions, but I’m sure thankful they do (think I could work a few more ‘do’s’ in there.)
Soup sounds good, but then soup almost always sounds good to me. Enjoy, Monte!
Monte Stevens
It is now about 3:42 pm and we have had a constant drizzle all day. I enjoy this kind of rain rather than downpours. And the soup hit the spot, laundry is done and I even vacuumed the carpet.
I am also amazed with the men and women who suit up in extreme heat and battle extreme fires. There are still signs along the foothills put up by homeowners, thanking the firefighters for saving their place or their neighbors.
And that is an impressive string of “do’s” you put together.
Todd Henson
Like you, I enjoy the drizzle over the downpour. And I think the drizzle ends up being much better for recovering from droughts as it’s less likely to all just wash away. Beautiful photo, it really sets the mood and tone of days like that.
Monte Stevens
Thanks, Todd! I can hardly imagine living in an area where one downpour can drop 10 inches of rain in a couple hours.