I took a walk at a new natural area called Reservoir Ridge Natural Area. The map at the parking lot told me the loop I took was 2.8 miles. My Fitbit told me 6,551 steps, or 2.9 miles. My research when I got home said there are 9.6 miles of trails within the natural area. I was blessed with meadowlarks, red-winged blackbirds, a hummer, swallows and robins offering me music without the need of an ipod. One jogger told he saw a couple of bobolinks. Impressive fields of prairie grasses like waves across an ocean. I need to research these grasses and other plants I encounter as I have a tendency to look at them and say, “Ah, how pretty,” then move on. The clouds were gorgeous, constantly changing. Shadows falling across the mountains, constantly changing. I was impressed with this natural area and could find it a great place to get in some exercise in nature. There was several large trees throughout the area with one looking like it had a hawks nest with young ones in it. I couldn’t tell for sure without binoculars. I expect you will see more images from this location.
Going to meet a friend today for lunch at a local park, if it doesn’t rain. Have a super Awesome Monday!
It sounds like a wonderful place to walk and enjoy nature, Monte. This beautiful photo makes me want to head off down that trail. Such vivid colors! Is the Reservoir Ridge Natural Area very far from your home?
Monte Stevens
It’s about 3 miles from my condo. I could bicycle there. I liked its openness and all that wavy grass. It could be a place for rattlesnakes so caution needs to be foremost in the warmer months.
Rattlesnakes, huh, I might look to find nature elsewhere in the “warmer months.”

Monte Stevens
Snakes and I do not get along! August may not be the month out there.