Avian,  meadowlark,  poems,  poetry,  silence

After the Last Note

I leave the chaos to enter the sanctuary of nature,
aware this spiritual life is about our experiences.

I listen as the meadowlark sings from their heart,
the wind carrying their notes to all who will listen.

I learn, after the last note fades into the past,
to stay present, just as the meadowlark,
listening to the gift of silence.


I saw two extraordinary events yesterday afternoon at Pineridge Natural Area. While scanning the area with my binoculars I watched a large raptor, which I believe was a Golden Eagle, flying straight at me with a prairie dog in their talons. Golden Eagles are common in the area but this was my first sighting of one. Later, while journaling on the bench about the eagle there was an increase of chatter among the magpies just below me. I looked up from writing and see a bobcat. This was the first one I’ve seen in this area even though there are several in the area. I took no photos, just memories that remain in the present! Enjoy your weekend!

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku/poetry. Have a love for fountain pens.