On Wednesday afternoon we a series of rain storms build up along the Front Range then descend out on to the plains. Along with the rain came thunder, lightening and even pea size hail. After the storms moved out I decided to drive east for any cloud formations or rainbows. I found both. I did not need to go far as I found the rainbow along Prospect Ponds then later an enjoyable sunset at Cottonwood Hallow.

Cedric Canard
Beautiful captures Monte. You really do live in an idyllic part of the world.
Monte Stevens
Hadn’t thought about my home being an idyllic part of the world. Goes to show how easy it is to take things for granted. But, you are right. I have cousins who live in the panhandle areas of Texas and Oklahoma where it is flat, arid, desolate and rugged. To them they live in a beautiful place. On some days I envy them for those wide open spaces and less population. On some days I’m envious of you and your beaches.
Some of my favorite times are right before the storms, and right after. Lovely weather during that time. Heck! I like it during the storms too. Can’t share your love for the panhandle, though. Been there, done that, no thanks! LOL
Monte Stevens
Too funny, Paul! Yes, storms can be awesome to experience and photograph.