This past weekend I met a friend at one of our malls. One of those places that was a field of flowers, grass and trees and home to all kinds of critters. Now it’s concrete, asphalt and retail stores. Anyway this young girls older sister was having a birthday party so of course she was not included. Dad’s assignment was to keep her preoccupied. When she saw this bronze statue she quickly ran up to the bench and sat on it. Then as a young child of her age she shared her sunglasses with the bronze boy. Dad agreed to let me take a photo. And one is all I took.
That’s one that makes me smile, Monte.
The sunglasses are very cool on the statue!
Monte Stevens
She was quite the ham and a cutey.
Tom Dills
I would like to get better at asking for permission to take people’s pictures. I miss out on quite a few good opportunities that way.
Monte Stevens
I felt comfortable in this situation. Dad was enjoying himself and my lady friend also made it comfortable for dad. And, the young girl seemed comfortable with anyone, even a bronze statue.
Cedric Canard
That is one cool capture Monte. Can’t help but smile
Monte Stevens
She was awesome. Living life to its fullest.