“People say nothing is impossible, but I do nothing every day.”
We all have certain subjects we gravitate towards. I find my archives to have primarily images of wide open horizons with clouds, trees, fields of grass, open meadows, sunshine and the shadows it spreads around. This was taken last week on an afternoon drive outside the city. This morning I sit on my porch typing this post. Clear skies, sunshine and around 50 degrees. The birds are singing their songs of joy. Almost perfect.
Or maybe they are singing because it’s Ruth’s birthday. Happy Birthday Ruth!
Sounds as close to perfect as possible.i know I would be more contented with my photos if I would just shoot what feels right for me instead of thinking I ought to shoot this or that, subjects that don’t come to me naturally. I’m not sure that made any sense, lol.
Monte Stevens
What I have come to see with myself is the over thinking. It’s too easy for me to have a vision in my head and miss the opportunities the universe offers me. Made perfect sense, sorta!
Thanks for the Birthday wishes…..had a great day and looking forward to seeing you!
Monte Stevens
Glad you had a good day! Looking forward to seeing you guys next week!