Trying to shoot any insect that’s capable of flying is a challenge. They are always moving. They are not moving as fast our universe, so eloquently explained by Paul in his posting on the Milky way. However, they are elusive and ddarters, tough on auto focus systems. I noticed several bees hovering over these flowers and knelt down to watch and tRyan to get some shots. Even though the bee is blurry, I was pleased with this image. He’s airborne and most of those images are blurry. This one’s in focus enough for posting but not printing. Another reason I like this image is the large glob (technical term) of pollen on his leg that can be clearly seen during flight.
Usually if I get a good sharp shot of a flying bee it’s because I was trying to take a photo of the flower and the bee just happened to fly into the frame.
Lovely yellow!
Monte Stevens
Just like this one.