I took this image on a ridge that looks out over an open space and a large farmland area that has not been scrapped and “developed” into housing. It shows we have two fires burning near us. The Alexander Mountain fire is on the left and the new one, Stone Canyon fire, is on the right. As of last night the Alexander fire was at 5080 acres and 0% contained. The Stone Canyon fire started yesterday and is about 1300 acres and 0% contained. Sadly there has been one death in the Stone Canyon fire. Neither fire grew during the night but today is going to be hot and dry. Then this morning I find out a third fire ignited last night in Jefferson County called the Quarry fire. Sheesh!! Stay safe.
Evolution means that nature does not operate according to fixed laws but by the dynamic interplay of law, chance, and deep time; that is, one cannot understand natural processes apart from developmental categories. The interaction of forces creates a dynamic process of unfolding life, pointing to the fact that nature is incomplete; there are no fixed essences. Instead, nature is consistently oriented toward new and complex life.
Ilia Delio
The last I saw, they were counting 60 fires in 14 states, mainly in a large northwestern part of the U.S. What used to be somewhat seasonal seems to be almost year-round now. Homes and lives were lost. It’s so sad. I’m not sure if I was burned out that I would rebuild in the same spot. As sure as there’s always been lighting, there’s always been wildfires. Man thinks he can build wherever he wants and control nature…not so much! As the sea level rises, we’re also beginning to see this failure to predict and adapt to nature in low-lying coastal areas. Take care, Monte, and keep us apprised.
Monte Stevens
I agree that some think they can build wherever and that they can control nature or assume they are not part of nature so nothing will happen to them or their property. Unfortunately some of these homes are located in areas where the developer is not all that concerned anymore. Man has created so many ways of impacting nature. There is a price to pay. Every structure man builds, every acre of farmland will be replaced my nature. I am in a fairly safe area from the fires unless nature is really pissed off or we’re in the end times.
Quite the interesting photo Monte for the scale and phases of the fires in comparison.
Monte Stevens
I gotta stop reading the news because we now have four fires along the front range — the Quarry fire in Jefferson County, the Alexander Mountain fire in Larimer County, the Stone Canyon fire in Boulder and Larimer counties and the Lake Shore fire in Boulder County. Ya gotta spare bedroom, Mark?
Ha – I would hope you wouldn’t have to travel so far if need be! Hopefully none of them get too close.