There seems to be a correlation between the increase in my age and a decrease in sunrise images and increase of sunsets images. Now at Momo Lolos coffeehouse and listening to a pianist and flutist duet. Love the change from the piped music we find most of the time.
Family and community are an essential part of my life as well as my solitude. There are some who avoid solitude, finding it uncomfortable. And, there are some who avoid communities, finding it uncomfortable. I need both. Community and fellowship helps me to appreciate the solitude and quiet. While the solitude and quiet help me appreciate community.
Steve Skinner
I find that the “forces of gravity” frequently prevent me from catching the early morning light.
Monte Stevens
Totally know what you’re talking about.
Tom Dills
I love sunrise but it always comes so darned early! I’ll suggest that part of the problem with sunrise is that you don’t really know what the conditions are until you are already up and out and it gets light enough to tell. With sunset you have an idea before you go. I’m willing to go with that anyway!
Monte Stevens
I’m thinking along the same lines as you do. Way too much risk on sunrises verses sunsets. However, with all the smoke out here the sunrises and sunsets have been beautiful reds and oranges. And, that full moon a couple days ago was awesome. Enjoy your weekend!
Cedric Canard
Striking image Monte. Where I live, the sun rises over the ocean and while that can be a beautiful sight, it is mostly the same every day unless there’s clouds or some other weather happening and that is always going to be hit and miss. Sunset on the other hand happens right outside my balcony which faces west, overlooking hills. Far easier to turn up for than sunrise
Monte Stevens
Then I’ll be expecting to see a few sunset images. I think I’d enjoy watching the sun rise over that ocean once in awhile. A change of pace.