Here’s the final product from Fridays project. Not too bad. We had the perfect day for it as it rained/drizzled all day and never got above 46 degrees. And yesterday we were back up to 85 degrees, so goes our Colorado weather. The only thing we changed on the recipe was omitting the salt. And, that was because we didn’t have any. It was a good way to spend a wet and cold fall day! Enjoy your Sunday.
One word suffices: Yummy!
. With that 85 degree day, you needed a bit of ice cream to go with that slice of pie, my friend!
Monte Stevens
Vanilla with caramel swirl.
Life is good!
Tom Dills
Interesting that your pies have no top crust, as I’ve always known two crusts to be “standard.” But with or without the vanilla with caramel swirl ice cream I’d have had a piece or two!
Monte Stevens
There are recipes without any crust. This was done because two bachelor’s were winging it.
Cedric Canard
In France we’d call that a tart but in any language I’d call it delicious
Monte Stevens
I like delicious! And, we can use peach or cherry or …
Joseph Smith
Nothing says Autumn like apple pie.
Monte Stevens
Total;y true! And, they were wonderful.