This is the patio at Starbucks this morning. We have well over a foot of snow and it’s still falling. Looks like a day for soup and a grilled cheese sandwich. Stay warm!
My online journal where I share my interests in photography, nature, coffee life, journaling, fountain pens, bicycling, spirituality and asking deep questions.
Tom Dills
That’s amazing, Monte. Bet you’re just waiting for someone to make a crack about Global Warming.
If it’s any consolation, the pollen here has been nearly thick enough to shovel. But it has been a little warmer.
That grilled cheese sandwich sounds pretty good!
Monte Stevens
No, that is not any consolation. In many respects this snowstorm has been welcomed because of the dire need for moisture. Thankfully it has not been cold. This is day 3 and snow is still falling, expecting 2-4 inches through the day but sunshine tomorrow. Stay warm!
Cedric Canard
That seems so crazy to me. Of course, I’m thinking it’s getting chilly here in Brisbane but it’s only around the mid 20s. That’s about 77 °F for you guys
Monte Stevens
We can get snow in May, that’s insane! My parents now live in Phoenix. They have become so acclimated to the warm temperature down there that they are putting on jackets and sweaters when the temperature drops below 70 (F). And snow is falling now. Happy shooting with the new camera.
Dave Showalter
Nice dump and a cool take with your photographic angle. A cool, wet spring wold be just what the doctor ordered around these parts.
Monte Stevens
I’m not sure of our total accumulation but it must be close to 14-16 inches over these 3 days. I agree, a cooler spring wood be nice.
Well, at least there are plenty of seats available to sit in and ‘enjoy’ the weather.
Monte Stevens
I asked them if they were going to clean off the patio and got these strange looks. I assumed that meant no. We have not had a spring storm like this in years. I heard it could be a record snowfall.
Yikes! We have had snowstorms as late as May here in Michigan. However, this has been a particularly long winter this year, making me hope that something like this on hold until next year. I suppose it is still possible, I was being pelted by sleet in my backyard yesterday.
Monte Stevens
We are very dry out here and want the moisture but I would prefer rain showers and warmer temperatures. At this point we’ll take anything and this past weeks snowfall was beautiful while spread out over a 3 day period.
I’m heading to Phoenix on Sunday to spend a few days with them. There’re having temperatures in the high 80’s and sunshine. That means I do not have to clean snow off my car in the mornings.