The purpose of art is to heal. I believe that every person is a special kind of artist, rather than the common belief that artists are special kind of people.
Samuel Avital
So, if art is healing then there are several artist hands involved for this simple image. There’s the artist who created the board game, the artist who made the board, the artist who made the chess pieces, the artist who made the coffee and glass and mug, the artist who made the table and the artist who took the photo. Lots of hands involved in healing.
With one hand getting all the attention – sheesh – some just like the spotlight I guess. 🙂
Monte Stevens
LOL I never saw that so thanks. The one hand saying pick me, pick me! Thanks, Mark!
White needs to castle.
Monte Stevens
So, I see you’re a chess player. Your move.
Like the Bishop I moved diagonally from San Diego to Maine.
Monte Stevens
LOL Good move!