
Artist and Technician

Routt National Forest

Earl Moore had an interesting post a few of days ago that caused me to stop and think, so I wanted to pass along the link to it for those who may be interested. He talks about how we mix these three ingredients in our photography: technique, vision and emotion. I really like his statement, “You are the artist and technician.” It is so relevent in my photography. When I reflect back over the years, the mixture of those three ingredients in my photography has varied from time to time. I can see those times where I was mixing in large portions of vision but skimping on the craft and emotion. While at other times there were spoonfuls of emotion mixed with poor craftsmanship.

I think the tools and techniques I choose, my perspective when I pressed the shutter, my emotions when I pressed the shutter and the way I feel about that work, both at the time of capture and in post processing, are truly mine. So when the switch is turned on and I am in the mode of photographer, I can be the artist or the technician.  Thanks, Earl!

You’re right on, Earl!

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku/poetry. Have a love for fountain pens.