“I’m an old man now and have had a great many problems. Most of them never happened”
Mark Twain
Each time I wait at the bus stop at the Mountain Avenue stop, I see this bicycle on the other side of the tracks. And, each time I take a photo. It’s a simple image. No strong colors or repeating patterns. It has a strange illusion of imbalance due to the sidewalk that rises on the right side. Yet, it speaks to me in some way.
In reference to the quote, yes, my imagination does create illusionany problems, amusing commentaries and scenes at an astounding rate. They arrive while driving, doing the dishes, meditation, reading, etc. Each time these take me away from the present, which is the only place I can live this life. As Rohr says, “Presence is only known by presence itself.”
Steve Skinner
Charles Schulz said it best, “Life is like an ice cream cone, you have to lick it one day at a time.”
Monte Stevens
I love ice cream!
Tom Dills
That’s quite a bicycle, Monte. It would be interesting to see what the owner looks like!
My grandmother used to say “don’t borrow trouble” whenever someone started wondering “what if” something or other. I still remember and use that expression on occasion.
Monte Stevens
I remember hearing that when I was younger. Wonder where those old sayings went. They are words of wisdom.
Cedric Canard
Don’t be too hard on yourself Monte; nothing can really take you away from the present, after all, we can only dwell on the past or the future in the present. For all our trying we can’t get away from it 🙂
Monte Stevens
Hope I’m not to had on myself. I would like to have a quiet mind more often. I had no thought of that before but we are in the present when dwelling on the past or future.