A half order of avocado toast is now on the menu at Mugs. Yippers. Of course this is just another reason to go to the coffee shop in the morning, as if I needed one. What onions?
And today my youngest daughter turns 48. Happy Birthday, Monica!
My online journal where I share my interests in photography, nature, coffee life, journaling, fountain pens, bicycling, spirituality and asking deep questions.
Beautiful, colorful treat. Avocado and I have an agreement – I don’t touch it.
Monte Stevens
Good morning. The toast is a colorful work of art. Sorry you’re not into avocados. One of my dad’s favorites and mine. Hope you have a great day, my friend!
Tom Dills
The colors sure are pretty and I’m sure the onions were sweet, but I’d opt for some smoked salmon instead! I do like avocado, though, and that does look yummy!
Happy Birthday, Monica!
Monte Stevens
I can see the salmon working for me also. However, both would not be a regular meal/snack for me. I meet her tomorrow for lunch.