“You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.” ― Maya Angelou
My first, and only, trip to the badlands was in May of 2004. I spent three days camping there and shooting a few images but that was not enough time. The rugged beauty is breath taking. The openness with vast skies will cause you to look skyward. My evenings were spent looking to the west, watching the sun set and the clouds constantly changing formations. That was seven years ago so I’m think it’s time to make plans for another visit.
It was also one of my motorcycle tours on the BMW1150RT touring bike. I bought the bike after leaving Agilent in 2003 and spent the next four years in a semi-retirment role and toured with it. I still have those desires within to get back in the saddle and ride. Life changes caused me to sell the bike and man do I wish I still had it.

Count me in on a trip to The Badlands. I’ve wanted to go for some time.
Monte Stevens
I would love to do that, Paul. And, it’s something we could easily work out. My situation at home has me strapped for a bit but when that gets straightened out we’ll plan it.
Beautiful sunrise photo, Monte…and a wonderful bike. I’d love to have a nice BMW touring bike but Bonnie is not a big fan.
I did a trip to the Badlands in 1980…oh my gosh, 33 years ago…how’s that possible?
Monte Stevens
Thanks, Earl, and both the bike and the Badlands are wonderful. Maybe if you worked on Bonnie a few more years she will weaken.
David Leland Hyde (@
I hear it’s a great place to practice your facility at capturing subtle beauty, which you do quite well, Monte.
Monte Stevens
And it is a place to capture solitude, quiet and peace, which I could use more often.
Tom Dills
Sounds like my kind of place!
Monte Stevens
It sure is not as green as North Carolina and a lot less trees. Yet, those photo opportunities are very real and very big.
Steve Skinner
My last trip to the Bad Lands was in December of 1972 and man was it ever cold!
Monte Stevens
Yes, you do want to plan your trip for a good time of the year. While on this trip it was just the opposite and hot as a pistol.
Monte Stevens
And, probably had more bugs than when you were there in December.
Count me in as another who would like to go back. I was there as a kid – hmm, must have been 30-35 years ago now. Might have even beat Earl’s record.
Monte Stevens
With Steve bragging about being there in ’73, he has you both beat. I guess it does not matter how long ago it was, we always imagine going back. We just may have to organize a meet-up. Take a few photos and swap stories.
Cedric Canard
Haven’t been to the Badlands but it looks like a place I’d like. I’ve never ridden a motorbike either but I do like the idea of doing a long trip on one someday. Trouble is, I don’t know if I just like the idea of it or if I would actually enjoy it.
Monte Stevens
Every once in a while I get the urge to both visit the badlands again and get back on a bike. At the present time it does not work for me to do either. But there is a light at the end of the tunnel. For me the motorcycle touring was a great way to see the world from a different perspective.