Everything can be used as an invitation to meditation. A smile, a face in the subway, the sight of a small flower growing in the crack of cement pavement, a fall of rich cloth in a shop window, the way the sun lights up flower pots on a windowsill. Be alert for any sign of beauty or grace. Offer up every joy, be awake at all moments, to “the news that is always arriving out of silence.” Slowly, you will become a master of your own bliss, a chemist of your own joy, with all sorts of remedies always at hand to elevate, cheer, illuminate, and inspire your every breath and movement.
Sogyal Rinpoche
I spotted this Iris from a distance because it was the only one in bloom at this small island on the entrance to the Lory Student Center. The flower takes the name from the Greek word for rainbow primarily because of the wide variety of colors they come in. It is also a favorite pollinating flower of insects. Yes, be alert to the beauty around us.
I was surprised to awaken to clear skies and sunshine this morning. They were predicting 4-12 inches of snow. We so need the moisture whether in the form of rain or snow. We do have the cold, though. Have a great weekend!
Yikes, snow has left my mind for a while I hope, and I think our chances here at a measly 600 ft elevation are pretty low by now.
But I like the sentiment here, too many people seem rather oblivious to the things worth paying attention to around them.
Monte Stevens
Well, we did not get any snow but they did farther south of us. It rained during the night which I will gladly accept or snow. I must admit that I have spent a lot of my life oblivious to the things worth paying attention to. I am doing my best to make up for that lost time. I feel the photography has helped me see more. Have a great day. I’m hoping no more snow until late October.