A few years ago I gave myself a month long project to photograph a bench-a-day. It was an interesting project and ever since I find my eye moving towards them.
My online journal where I share my interests in photography, nature, coffee life, journaling, fountain pens, bicycling, spirituality and asking deep questions.
Ray K
if they are like this keep it up.
Monte Stevens
Thanks, Ray! Don’t we all wish our keeper ratio was greater.
Monte, striking photo. One of my weird more recent idiosyncrasies is I like to sit on a bench before I photograph it. Sometimes sitting there gives me a feeling for and idea about how to photographing it — about it’s energy. Hey, I said it was weird. 😉
pj finn
Well, at least you don’t sleep on it first…
Monte Stevens
I did not not know that about you,Earl, (Gasp) We all have weird idiosyncrasies, so just to let you know I sometimes do the same.
pj finn
After seeing this I can certainly understand why.
Monte the work you have shared with us the past week has been outstanding, my wife and I have really enjoyed the subjects and images.
Monte Stevens
Thank you so much Don, that does mean a lot to me. Some times are more creative than others.
When I first looked, I only saw the Mosaic – it is so pretty and colorful. I saw the bench after I noticed the title (bench, what bench?). And there it was. A nice bench – but especially nicely placed there by someone.
Great picture.
Monte Stevens
Thanks, Wayne and glad you stopped by to see the bench.
Alan M. Collopy
It sounded like an interesting project and I can see your attraction to benches. I too enjoy them, but never on a project based level. I usually shoot them when I see them in my travels.
I really like this image and it’s striking colors, contrast and WOW factor. I don;t know how else to decribe it, accept “beautiful”.
Monte Stevens
Thanks, Alan. I suppose small projects like that are good for us, helps us see the world with a slightly different lens.