I felt a little under the weather yesterday, mainly tension in my neck and shoulders, which probably brought on the dull headache, and headaches are very unusual for me. Since the temperatures were above 80 degrees today I decided to make one of those often needed visits to Blendon Woods park in the evening. I took the camera and tripod along, just in case I’d want to use them. I spent most of my time walking, then sitting for while on a bench, listening to the birds sing. I even had a squirrel above me dropping nuts on the ground, getting ready to harvest them for winter. By the time I headed back to my car the tension was gone along with the headache. As far as photos go, leaves seemed to by my focus and finding this unusual pattern of leaves was what I needed. For me, the quiet in nature is better than aspirin.
QPB (Mary Ann)
Nature seems to be the univeral medicine. I’m glad you got a goodly dose and hope you are feeling better. ma
And for me the effects last longer then aspirin… Monte, I really like this photo!
Monte Stevens
Thanks, Earl. I often wonder what I would be like if I spent time every day in nature. We are so accustomed to parking it in the easy chair or in my case, in front of the computer. We also spend much of our day in environmentally controlled work places.
Love the photo. It’s amazing what regular doses of the natural world can do for you.
Monte Stevens
Thanks, Paul!
Mother Nature has the cure.
Monte Stevens
Take two walks and don’t call me in the morning. 🙂
There’s no denying that, my friend. And there are no harmful side effects, either.
Monte Stevens
Only side effects I notice are peace and serenity. I can use those!