It was 0 (zero) degrees this morning when I left the condo at 6:33 am. As I dusted off the powdery snow from the car I wonder how many neighbors were questioning my sanity. Then I thought about how connected we really are to nature and the part I play in it, how I am bundled up and prepared for the weather, how beautiful this wintery seen is, and most importantly, how good my mocha latte will taste. Yes, there is a bit of insanity in my life. However, there is much less insanity than a few years ago.
About this image. It was taken by a lovely young lady at Mugs at CSU coffee shop. Unfortunately I failed to get her name so I could give her credit. The overcast sky and light reflecting off the snow gave this a nice light. She did a great job! I want to use it in an ongoing series of images that include myself, the journal, the fountain pen in the act of journaling. I already have images of the journals and pens taken over the years and will continue to add more. But I have very few of them that include me in the act of writing. Some images I can do it with a tripod and timer but this image required another person pressing the shutter button. The purpose is to share why I have been journaling almost daily for over 30 years. Now, if it was just a wee bit warmer, say 70 degrees warmer!!!! Oh, and my toes are cold.
She has a good eye for composition!
A great photo Monte.
Monte Stevens
Yes, she took a half dozen and changed her perspective. She knew what she was doing.
The kind stranger did a fine job of capturing you in your element. I don’t know if I could/would go out into zero degrees unless I was being chased by something or someone.
Monte Stevens
Insanity. You seem to be one who thinks I am insane.
I’m home now but my toes are still cold. No picnic today, for sure. I think they said our high was onlysupposede to be 5 degrees.
Hahaha, no I don’t think you are insane. I think you are acclimated to the Colorado winter.
Monte Stevens
Maybe that’s the insanity.
Excellent photo, Monte. It certainly captions an essential part of your daily life.
Monte Stevens
Thanks, my friend! I have variation of this image I like much better and will use it also in the project. It is -3 degrees this morning and a light dusting of snow. Now sipping on my mocha which is quickly getting cold.
Have a great day. I think you’re going to get rain.
Nice, Monte! Thank her for us.
Monte Stevens
I will, if I see her again. I did give her my card so she could check it out on my webiste.